Standoff between the AOAO and ELO's makes its way through the legal system. ELO's have low expectations for settlement.
Update 3/19/22
Mediation was started with low expectations and the board failed to even meet those. Rather than seek to negotiate a reasonable settlement between both parties, the AOAO played hardball and took unreasonable positions, thereby effectively ending mediation and forcing the hand of the ELO's, who will now take their case to the next level of the legal ladder. At some point they AOAO is going to have to address those issues which they are trying to shove under the rug...and the ELO"s believe that day is coming sooner or later.
ELO's hoping for quick settlement to benefit all owners.
Since the debacle of the extended lanai construction project became evident, one owner who refused to follow the narrative made a request for mediation with the AOAO over this issue. Over the ensuing weeks and months, all but one ELO made mediation requests. The owners of six extended lanai units are being represented by an esteemed Hawaii attorney specializing in condominium law.
All parties will meet with a mediator on Feb 7, 2022, some 15 months after the never-ending extended lanai construction project was supposed to be finished.
Extended Lanai Owner...
"I wish they were smart enough to come to some type of settlement in the hopes of potentially saving the AOAO what could be millions of dollars in the end ."